jueves, 28 de junio de 2012

6th year students have investigated about CULTURES. And they have talked and shared all the information with 5th year students !!! Look... !!!
And Now 5th Year students work on the activities that 6th year prepared to see what they understood !! Isn't that interesting??

sábado, 2 de junio de 2012

5th year students have investigated about TV AROUND THE WORLD!!! And they have talked and shared all the information with the other 5th year students !!! Look... !!
And Now 5th Year students prepared activities and games to see if everybody understood !! Isn't that interesting??
And now let's read their investigation more deeply !!!
5th year students have investigated about TELEVISION AROUND THE WORLD!!! And they have talked and shared all the information with the other 5th year students !!! Look... !!!

Jornadas Metropolitanas de Idiomas Elección de Patrono

V Jornadas Metropolitanas de Idiomas:  Este año compartimos con nuestra Comunidad la emoción de votar por un Patrono para nuestro Centro! Se...