martes, 2 de mayo de 2023

World Bullying Day

World Bullying Day is an international day marked on May 2nd to raise awareness of bullying and cyberbullying. It’s a widespread issue that affects millions of students around the world in schools and universities with consequences.

What to do if someone is bullying you:

· Tell someone you trust about it. If it is easier for you, write that person a note instead!! (People you might want to tell are: parents, teachers, the principal, playground safeties, or older friends).
· If the person you told cannot help you or does not do anything, find someone else! Never keep being bullied a secret!
· Try not to let the bully see you are upset. (Bullies are looking for signs that you are upset and they may do it more).
· Avoid areas where the bully feels comfortable picking on you (for example, places where teachers cannot see you - such as corners of the playground, lonely corridors, and behind large furniture in the classroom.
· Try to surround yourself with friends and people who will stand up for you.

What to do if you see someone who is being bullied:

· Get friends together and TALK to the bully. Let the bullies in your school know that bullying is not accepted at your school.
· Don't cheer the bully on or stand around to watch. (The bully might like the attention, and pick on the kid even more).
· If you see someone being bullied, find someone to help stop it. (Get another friend, a teacher, a playground safety, a principal).
· Be nice to, include, and get to know the people who are being bullied: You may find they are similar to you!!
· Try to make friends with the bully too- show them other ways to interact with others. (They don't need to bully others to be accepted or cool).

If you're a bully it’s never too late to change bullying behavior. Here’s where to start:

- Stop any behavior that causes someone harm.
- Understand that your actions are hurting someone.
- Know that it is NEVER okay to hurt someone.
- Realize that everyone deserves respect and that differences are a positive part of our world.
- Talk with someone, like your parent or a trusted adult, and ask for their help.
- Think through ways to respond positively to others.


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